Interaction Design
I have a few ideas on some interactions that would make some popular apps work a bit better. Keep watching this space, as I add more ideas!
Adding Custom Privacy Lists on Native Mobile App
Problem to solve
I have an idea for native interaction, for creating privacy lists on FaceBook.
Facebook is huge, and its usage base among mobile users is growing leaps and bounds.
More mobile-native interactions to handle key settings, like privacy settings, should be incorporated into the native mobile experience of Facebook, to accommodate users who may be mobile-only.
Here's a few wireframes to illustrate how this will work.
The first three wireframes are business as usual - the user navigates to where the privacy shortcuts are controlled, to get to "Select Audience". The series of interactions are unchanged.
The next set of wireframes are where the privacy list creation occurs.
Within Select Audience , we now have a new option to 'Create a New List'.
Next, the user is taken to a screen which allows for locations, schools, current/previous work locations - any currently defined group FaceBook supports.
As the user types in the text box at the top, an autocomplete feature will suggest an entry, which the user can select.
Here's the prototype in action:
Tool Used -
App Launcher from Messaging App
Problem to Solve
I wrote a blog article, based on an observation that I had , watching my mom use her phone. She received information about a gathering via text message, but was not being able to convert the information into something actionable.
I have noticed that users who are not quite familiar with smartphones, are okay with launching apps - using a touch interaction to activate them. My thought was to expand on this, to create an interaction within messaging apps that will launch apps, depending on message content.
In the first screen, we have a conversation between two users. The user receives an address within the second grey message bubble, and after a moment - is presented with apps that can interact with the message content, under the message bubble itself.
The idea is for the interaction to assist the user in associating the app suggestions within the message content, and empower the user to take action using one of the app options presented.
In this particular case - the user can then select "Launch Maps" , which will open a program, and input the address, for the user to then get directions to the location, from within the map program.
After recieving the text message with the address, to take action on that address is approximately 6 steps -
- long press on text...
- copy...
- navigate to map program...
- open Map program...
- paste...
- get directions to address within map program
The interaction changes this to roughly two steps -
- touch available app launch once the interaction has completed processing
- get directions to address within map program
Here's the prototype in action :
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