Create Privacy Lists on Mobile FaceBook App
Personal Project
Problem to solve
Facebook mobile app updates at a feverous pace. However, I'd like to see more mobile-native interactions to handle key settings - like privacy settings - incorporated into the native mobile experience of Facebook, to accommodate users who may be mobile-only.
I have an idea for creating privacy lists on the mobile Facebook app. Here's a few wireframes to illustrate how this will work.
The first three wireframes are business as usual - the user navigates to where the privacy shortcuts are controlled, to get to "Select Audience". The series of interactions are unchanged.
The next set of wireframes are where the privacy list creation occurs.
Within Select Audience , we now have a new option to 'Create a New List'.
Next, the user is taken to a screen which allows for locations, schools, current/previous work locations - any currently defined group Facebook supports.
As the user types in the text box at the top, an autocomplete feature will suggest an entry, which the user can select.
Here's the prototype in action:
Tool Used -
The goal to make as few updates as necessary within the existing Facebook mobile app, to incorporate an interaction that would blend in with existing security and privacy settings. This privacy list creation interaction should incorporate existing mechanisms for autocompleting available categorization data on a user account, and allow users to create and manage privacy lists within the mobile native Facebook app.