User Experience Design

Folio Investing Re-Design

Redesign suggestion for Folio Investing


Folio Investing Site - mobile experience


Folio Investing is a robust, individual investor site, with one goal being to make investing easier for consumers. 

A hallmark for this site is the idea of Folios - its a do it yourself way to create an equivalent of a mutual fund. 

The site also provides options for folios that people can invest in themselves. 

What's the problem?

Initially, the splash screen greets you appropriately on a mobile device.  For reference, I’m using a iPhone 6+. 


Prompt to log in seems ok, and then I proceed to do so .  


Then, the big let-down.  The main home page shrinks to what appears to be a desktop view. 


I like the menu items along the top, but some of them give me some initial questions, as to what purpose they serve. 


Then, I’m hit with drop-down hell.